Shopify SEO by AUQ

Shopify SEO Agency for Thriving Ecommerce Brands

Partnerships with us mean joining forces against ecommerce titans. As Shopify SEO experts, we elevate underdogs, optimizing every dollar for maximum impact. Challenge the norm, stand tall among giants, and let’s redefine your Shopify success together.

At AUQ, we offer more than just website optimization; we optimize your entire budget, ensuring every dollar works hard for your success. Our full-service approach to Shopify SEO means we’ve got you covered, from intricate development to impactful marketing.

For our Shopify SEO clients, AUQ provides end-to-end solutions. From meticulous site audits and custom development to strategic keyword mapping and targeted marketing campaigns, we handle it all.

Our experience isn’t just broad; it’s deep-rooted in Shopify’s unique terrain, and we’ve successfully charted this territory before. But it’s not about us; it’s about you.

Our dedicated Shopify SEO team stands beside you, ensuring each move makes your brand shine brighter. Every milestone, every hurdle, we’re with you, guiding your brand towards its success. Put your trust in expertise, experience, and dedication. Choose AUQ. Elevate your brand’s future today.

Web Development for an Investment Management Firm

"AUQ’s biggest strengths were their agility and solution-oriented approach."

- Director Of Communications, Investment Management Firm

Quality 5.0
Schedule 4.5
Cost 5.0

Website Redesign & SEO for a Pet Odor Products Manufacturer

"Their service was outstanding, and it didn't stop after they completed our website."

- Director of Operations, Odors Away LLC

Quality 5.0
Schedule 5.0
Cost 5.0

Website Development & Maintenance for a Design Company

"They’re great at explaining the technology and suggesting solutions that can save time and money."

- Founder & Design Director, Tsang Seymour LLC

Quality 5.0
Schedule 4.0
Cost 5.0

Web Design & Development for a Nonprofit Organization

"I’m impressed by their openness to listen — they want to make sure we’re happy with the results."

- Executive, Nonprofit Organization

Quality 5.0
Schedule 4.0
Cost 5.0

SEO & WordPress Web Development Services for an E-Commerce Company

"After seeing so many difficult site launches, I’m blown away by how smooth their process is."

- CEO, A Digital Agency

Quality 5.0
Schedule 5.0
Cost 4.5

Web Development & SEO Work for Casino Company

"AUQ’s project management has been excellent."

- COO, Casino M8trix

Quality 4.5
Schedule 5.0
Cost 4.5

Website Redesign & SEO Strategy for Food & Beverage Co

"Their SEO research and ability to break it down to us were impressive."


Quality 5.0
Schedule 4.5
Cost 5.0

Our Services

Shopify eCommerce SEO

Shopify eCommerce SEO

monitor services

Ecommerce SEO is our forte at AUQ. We aim to ensure your products shine exactly when and where your audience is looking. It’s …

Ecommerce SEO is our forte at AUQ. We aim to ensure your products shine exactly when and where your audience is looking. It’s about timing, precision, and understanding the digital landscape.

Partnering with AUQ means you’re not just getting a Shopify SEO service; you’re getting a team that prioritizes your success. With our expertise, your products won’t just be available; they’ll be in the spotlight. Trust in AUQ, and let’s make your ecommerce shine.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a game-changer for Shopify stores. At AUQ, we fine-tune your site to transform casual browsers into committed buyers. …

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a game-changer for Shopify stores. At AUQ, we fine-tune your site to transform casual browsers into committed buyers. Through analyzing user behavior, streamlining checkout processes, and optimizing page layouts, we boost the likelihood of a visitor making a purchase.

Our goal is to enhance the user experience, reduce cart abandonment, and ultimately, increase your sales. With AUQ’s CRO services, every click is a step closer to a conversion.

Design & Development

Design & Development

mobile icon

Your Shopify store’s design and development is about more than just building a site. At AUQ, we think ahead. We don’t just create …

Your Shopify store’s design and development is about more than just building a site. At AUQ, we think ahead. We don’t just create your store; we craft an experience tailored for growth.

As your brand flourishes and business grows, we’re right there with you, tweaking and maintaining your site to match your rising ambitions. Trust AUQ to not just start your Shopify journey but to walk it with you, every step of the way.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

empty monitor image

Content is king, and at AUQ, we wear the crown proudly. We focus on growing your audience with content that speaks directly to …

Content is king, and at AUQ, we wear the crown proudly. We focus on growing your audience with content that speaks directly to them. When they think of a solution, we make sure it’s your name that pops up first. Our content isn’t just catchy; it’s designed to convert.

We give your audience genuine information they can trust while making sure it leads to sales for you. With AUQ’s content marketing, your business talks and profits, all at once.

Turn clicks to carts, work with an agency that understands understands Shopify!

Shopify SEO + Design & Development

+17,000 Visits in 8 Months

AUQ launched Ethans SEO strategy and execution by offering a full service Shopify solutions that focused on

  • Ecommerce technical optimization
  • Content strategy planning and content execution
  • Shopify design & development
  • Linkbuilding

SEO & E-comm

Penalty Recovery

AUQ redesigned and optimized an e-commerce company’s website for – an ergonomic furniture company in Santa Barbara. The team has also helped the firm with their SEO strategy. They’ve designed and developed their website using WordPress, Figma, and WooCommerce.

Design, Development & Content for SEO

+ 200 % Organic Traffic

AUQ worked with the team to increase organic traffic & organic conversions generated by the website by focusing on 3 things:

  • National content strategy
  • Design & development of new, searchable features
  • Regular technical SEO audits
Funding Circle Financial SEO

Time Sensitive Success

We helped a small business lender rank quickly for competitive and time-sensitive covid related keywords. Learn how we got Funding Circle ranked for PPP related terms quickly and helped them drive applications.


Our Approach to Shopify SEO Projects

#1Comprehensive Site Audit

#2Comprehensive Site Audit

A Comprehensive Site Audit is the foundation of our Shopify SEO approach. At AUQ, we don’t just identify issues; we roll up our sleeves and address them. This audit delves deep into your store’s structure, performance, and content, revealing areas of potential enhancement. From checking site speed and mobile responsiveness to ensuring metadata is on point, no stone is left unturned.

And what truly sets us apart? Once an issue is spotted, our dedicated development team jumps into action, rectifying it promptly. With us, an audit isn’t just diagnostic; it’s transformative.

#2Keyword & Market Analysis

#3Keyword & Market Analysis

Keyword & Market Analysis is pivotal to successful Shopify SEO. At AUQ, we believe in smart targeting, ensuring your products and services resonate with the right audience. By thoroughly analyzing the market, we gauge the best opportunities and potential pitfalls for your brand.

Our specialized team then delves into comprehensive keyword research, pinpointing the terms that your prospective customers are actively searching for. This meticulous approach means that with AUQ, you’re not just visible online; you’re standing tall in front of those who matter, right when they’re looking. Your brand deserves precision, and that’s what we deliver.

#3Design & Development Tweaks

#4Design & Development Tweaks

Design & Development Tweaks form an integral part of our service offerings for Shopify stores. At AUQ, we recognize that a seamless and intuitive user experience can set your brand apart. Our expert Shopify developer team constantly monitors your site, ensuring it operates at peak performance. But we don’t stop at mere maintenance.

We actively seek out areas for enhancement, implementing tweaks that elevate the user journey. Whether it’s streamlining the checkout process or refining the site’s layout, our focus is clear: to offer visitors an unparalleled browsing experience. With AUQ, your store doesn’t just work; it wows.

#4On Page SEO

#5On Page SEO

On-Page Optimization is about making every part of your Shopify store shine. We dive deep into each page, be it product, category, landing pages, or blogs, ensuring they stand out and catch the attention of search engines. Our focus is on crafting quality content, strategically placing keywords, and ensuring titles and descriptions are spot-on.

By optimizing these elements, we make it easier for search engines to crawl and rank your pages higher. Simply put, we position your store in the best light, so both search engines and customers can find and love what you offer.

#5Content Strategy Development

#6Content Strategy Development

Content Strategy Development is at the heart of transforming your Shopify store from just another business to a recognizable brand. At AUQ, we craft a bespoke content marketing strategy from the ground up, tailored to resonate with your target audience. We focus on creating meaningful, relevant content that not only attracts but also engages and retains customers.

By consistently delivering value through our strategic content, we elevate your store’s presence, ensuring you’re not just seen, but remembered and revered. Partner with us, and watch your business evolve into a brand that stands apart.

#6Backlink Building and Outreach

#7Backlink Building and Outreach

Backlink Building & Outreach is pivotal in boosting your Shopify store’s online authority and visibility. While many agencies employ traditional link-building tactics, at AUQ, we pride ourselves on our innovative approach. Our unique strategy is designed to yield 10x more results from off-page SEO than conventional methods. By forging genuine relationships and employing strategic outreach, we secure high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources.

These not only drive traffic but cement your store’s credibility in the digital space. With AUQ’s cutting-edge backlink building, you don’t just get links; you get a competitive edge.

Work With Shopify SEO Experts

We are your premier destination for unmatched Shopify SEO excellence.

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Shopify SEO Questions

  • Can you do SEO on Shopify?

    Yes, Shopify is fully SEO-friendly, and we specialize in optimizing Shopify stores to improve their visibility and rankings in search engines. We put together a few strategies and tips specifically for Shopify. Additionally it’s a great platforms for brands just getting into ecommerce before moving on to something more custom.

  • How can I improve the SEO for my Shopify product page?

    To improve SEO for your Shopify product page, focus on optimizing product titles, descriptions, and images. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally, ensure your URLs are clean and descriptive, and add alt text to images. Regularly update content to keep it fresh and relevant. Also, consider user experience, ensuring fast load times and mobile optimization. Using dedicated Shopify SEO apps can further aid in optimization.

  • Which SEO is better: WordPress or Shopify?

    Both WordPress (with WooCommerce) and Shopify offer robust SEO capabilities. WordPress provides more flexibility with various SEO plugins, while Shopify offers built-in SEO features tailored for e-commerce. The best choice depends on your specific needs and technical expertise. We wrote a short guide on a few of the top ecommerce platforms here.

  • Is SEO worth it for ecommerce?

    Absolutely! SEO is crucial for e-commerce as it enhances online visibility, drives organic traffic, and increases sales without the continuous cost of paid advertising. A well-optimized e-commerce site can attract a consistent stream of potential customers and provide a significant return on investment.

  • Do Shopify themes impact SEO performance?

    Yes, Shopify themes can impact SEO performance. A well-coded, mobile-responsive, and fast-loading theme can enhance user experience and improve search engine rankings. It’s essential to choose a theme optimized for SEO to ensure the best results.

  • How can I ensure my Shopify site is mobile-optimized for search engines?

    To ensure your Shopify site is mobile-optimized for search engines, prioritize a responsive design, test Shopify loading speeds, and use Shopify themes labeled as mobile-friendly. Additionally, regularly test your site on various mobile devices to ensure consistent user experience. Utilizing SEO-focused Shopify apps can also aid in mobile optimization.

  • How can I track the SEO performance of my Shopify store?

    You can track your Shopify store’s SEO performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These tools provide insights on traffic sources, keywords driving traffic, and user behavior on your site. Additionally, consider using Shopify-specific SEO apps for more in-depth analysis, and don’t neglect CRO optimization after you grow your traffic.

  • Do you offer ongoing SEO maintenance and updates for Shopify stores?

    Yes, we offer ongoing SEO maintenance and updates for Shopify stores.

  • Is it easy to migrate to Shopify?

    Migrations to Shopify will depend on your content and on your previous platform. It’s deffinitely doable from any platform but might require a more manual approach in some cases.

    Check out our guide to Shopify Wix migrations here, and our general guide for website migrations for SEO.

  • What type of products can I sell on Shopify?

    Shopify is an ecommerce platform and gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of types of products. Including digital and physical goods, and even food! However you still need to follow Shopify guidelines since they’re hosting your website and may be managing your payment platform as well.