What Are Website Ergonomics? (With Examples)

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Website ergonomics refers to the design and layout of a website to ensure that it is user-friendly, efficient, and comfortable to use. The goal of website ergonomics is to optimize the user experience and make it easy for users to find the information they need and complete desired actions, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or navigating the site. Here are some examples of website ergonomics:


The navigation bar of a website should be clear and easy to use, allowing users to quickly find the information they need. This can be achieved through clear headings, drop-down menus, and breadcrumbs.


The design and layout of a website should be consistent throughout, with a clear color scheme, typography, and design elements. This can help users feel more comfortable and familiar with the website.


Website readability refers to how easily visitors can read and understand the content on your website. This includes factors such as font size, font style, line spacing, and paragraph length. A website with good readability makes it easy for visitors to quickly scan and digest information.


Websites should be designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that users with disabilities can access and use the site. This can include features such as alt tags for images, text transcripts for videos, and clear and easy-to-read fonts.

Load Time

Websites should load quickly to prevent users from becoming frustrated and leaving the site. This can be achieved by optimizing image sizes, reducing the number of HTTP requests, and using a content delivery network (CDN).

Color Contrast

Color contrast refers to the difference in color between the text and the background on a website. Choosing the right color contrast can make it easier for visitors to read and navigate your website, particularly for those with visual impairments.

Fast Loading

Website speed is important for user experience and can affect bounce rates, conversions, and overall visitor satisfaction. A website that loads quickly is more likely to keep visitors engaged and interested.

Simplified Forms

Forms are an important part of many websites, but they can be a pain point for visitors if they are too complicated or confusing. Simplifying forms by only asking for necessary information and using clear instructions can make the process more user-friendly.

Search Field

A search field allows visitors to quickly find the information they are looking for on a website. This is particularly important for websites with a lot of content, as it can be difficult for visitors to navigate through all the pages and menus.

404 Error Page

A 404 error page appears when a visitor tries to access a page on your website that doesn’t exist. A well-designed 404 page can help visitors navigate back to the rest of your website, rather than leaving them frustrated and confused.

Content Organization

The content on a website should be organized in a logical and intuitive manner, making it easy for users to find the information they need. This can be achieved through clear headings, bullet points, and a clear hierarchy of information.

Calls to Action

Websites should include clear calls to action (CTAs) that encourage users to complete desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. This can be achieved through clear and prominent CTA buttons and placement of the CTAs on the page.

Mobile Optimization

Websites should be optimized for mobile devices, with responsive design and clear and concise information. This can include features such as larger font sizes, optimized images, and easy-to-use navigation.

Overall, website ergonomics is an important aspect of website design, ensuring that users have a positive and efficient experience on the site. By following these best practices, businesses can improve the usability and accessibility of their website and ultimately improve user engagement and conversions.

Useful Links:

  1. “Web Ergonomics” – Ezaki
  2. 9 tips for an ergonomic website

Common Questions

  • How can a website's layout and design impact its ergonomics?

    The layout and design of a website can impact its ergonomics by influencing how easily users can navigate and interact with the site.

    A well-designed layout with clear visual hierarchy and intuitive navigation can make it easier for users to find what they are looking for, while a cluttered or confusing layout can be frustrating and lead to a negative user experience. Similarly, design choices such as font size, color, and contrast can affect the readability and accessibility of the site, which can impact user comfort and usability.

  • what are some best practices for designing an effective navigation system?

    Some best practices for designing an effective navigation system include keeping the navigation simple and easy to understand, using clear and descriptive labels for navigation links, grouping related content together, providing multiple navigation options, such as a search bar or breadcrumb navigation, and testing the navigation system with real users to ensure it is easy to use and understand.

    It’s also important to ensure that the navigation is consistent across all pages of the website to avoid confusing users.

  • What role do color schemes and typography play in website ergonomics?

    Color schemes and typography can play an important role in website ergonomics by influencing the readability, visual appeal, and accessibility of the site. Choosing a color scheme that provides good contrast and avoids harsh, overly bright colors can improve readability and help users stay engaged with the content.

    Similarly, typography choices such as font size, typeface, and spacing can impact readability and visual hierarchy. By selecting an appropriate color scheme and typography, designers can create a more comfortable and effective user experience.