How to Solve Http Error 301?

Knowledge Base > SEO > How to Solve Http Error 301?

To fix HTTP error 301, you need to make sure the old URL is redirected to the new location. Here are the steps you can take to do this:

  1. Update the old URL to the new URL: Determine the new location of the page and update any links or references to the old URL. Make sure that the new URL is functional and contains the same content as the old page.
  2. Create a redirect: Set up a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new location. This will inform search engines and browsers that the page has permanently moved, and to redirect any traffic to the new location.
  3. Test the redirect: Use a tool such as a web browser or a URL redirect checker to test that the old URL is properly redirecting to the new location.
  4. Update any backlinks: If the old URL has any backlinks, update them to the new location to ensure that they continue to provide value and drive traffic to the correct page.

By following these steps, you can solve HTTP error 301 and ensure that your website visitors can access the correct content at the new location.

Useful Links:

  1. Ahrefs
  2. Mozilla


Common Questions

  • What causes a 301 redirect?

    A 301 redirect is caused when a webpage has been permanently moved to a new location. This can happen due to various reasons such as changes in the website’s structure, updates to the domain name or URL, or consolidation of content.

    When the old URL is no longer valid, a 301 redirect is used to inform search engines and browsers to direct traffic to the new location of the webpage.

  • How can I identify whether my website has HTTP 301 errors?

    You can identify whether your website has HTTP 301 errors by using an online tool or plugin that checks your website for broken links or redirects. Some popular tools include Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, or Ahrefs. These tools can help identify any broken or redirected links, and allow you to see the specific URLs that are returning an HTTP 301 error.

    Additionally, you can manually check for redirects by using a web browser or URL redirect checker to test each page on your website. If a page redirects to a different URL, and returns an HTTP 301 status code, then it has an HTTP 301 error.

  • What is the difference between an HTTP 301 redirect and other types of redirects, such as 302 or 307?

    The main difference between HTTP 301 redirect and other types of redirects such as 302 or 307 is that HTTP 301 is a permanent redirect, while 302 and 307 are temporary redirects. A permanent redirect, as indicated by HTTP 301, tells search engines and browsers that the content has been permanently moved to a new location, and the old URL should no longer be indexed.

    On the other hand, a temporary redirect (HTTP 302 or 307) tells search engines and browsers that the move is temporary, and the original URL should still be indexed. This means that a temporary redirect should be used in situations where the content is only temporarily unavailable, and should be returned to the original URL in the future.

  • What are some best practices for implementing HTTP 301 redirects in terms of SEO and user experience?

    Some best practices for implementing HTTP 301 redirects in terms of SEO and user experience include:

    1. Redirect to a relevant page: Redirect to a page with similar content or topic to the original URL to ensure a seamless user experience.
    2. Use 1-to-1 redirects: Ensure that each old URL is redirected to a single corresponding new URL, as redirecting multiple old URLs to a single new URL can lead to confusion for users and search engines.
    3. Update internal links: Update all internal links to point to the new URL to avoid further redirects and improve the user experience.
    4. Use HTTPS: Use HTTPS to maintain the security and integrity of your website and to avoid security warnings.
    5. Don’t chain redirects: Avoid redirecting from one page to another and then to the final destination, as this can increase the loading time and reduce the user experience.
    6. Don’t redirect to the homepage: Avoid redirecting all URLs to the homepage, as this can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.
    7. Monitor for errors: Monitor your redirects to ensure they are functioning properly and to quickly identify and fix any errors.

    By following these best practices, you can ensure that your HTTP 301 redirects maintain a positive impact on both SEO and user experience.

  • How do search engines treat HTTP 301 redirects, and how can they affect my website's search rankings?

    Search engines treat HTTP 301 redirects as a signal that the content has permanently moved to a new URL. As a result, the search engine will transfer the ranking signals and page authority of the old URL to the new URL, which helps to maintain the page’s search engine rankings. However, if the redirect is not implemented correctly or leads to a broken link, this can negatively affect the website’s search rankings.

    It is also important to note that excessive or unnecessary redirects can impact search engine rankings, as it can slow down the loading time of the website and reduce the overall user experience. Therefore, it is important to implement HTTP 301 redirects correctly, and only redirect pages that have been permanently moved to a new location.