How to fix a 404 error in WordPress?

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A 404 error is a common HTTP status code that indicates the server cannot find the requested web page. When you encounter a 404 error on a WordPress website, it means that the URL you are trying to access does not exist or cannot be found.

To fix a 404 error in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, the browser cache may be causing the issue. Clear your browser cache and try accessing the page again to see if the error persists.
  2. Check the URL: Ensure that the URL you are trying to access is correct. Double-check for any typos or missing characters in the URL. It’s also a good idea to check the links leading to the page to ensure they are correctly pointing to the right URL.
  3. Permalink Settings: If the 404 error is occurring on your website’s inner pages, it could be due to incorrect permalink settings. To check and fix this, go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Settings” and then “Permalinks.” Choose a permalink structure and save the changes. This will update the rewrite rules and may resolve the issue.
  4. Re-save Permalinks: In some cases, simply re-saving the permalink settings can fix the 404 error. Without changing anything, go to the “Permalinks” settings page and click on the “Save Changes” button. This can refresh the permalink structure and resolve any issues related to rewrite rules.
  5. Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts: Disable all your WordPress plugins and switch to a default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One). Then, try accessing the page that was previously showing the 404 error. If the page loads correctly, it means there was a conflict with a plugin or your theme. Enable each plugin and theme one by one and test the page until you find the one causing the 404 error. Once identified, you can either replace or update the conflicting plugin or theme.
  6. Check Server Configuration: Sometimes, server misconfigurations can result in 404 errors. Contact your hosting provider’s support or check your server’s error logs to identify any server-level issues causing the error.
  7. Restore from Backup: If you recently made changes to your website or modified the .htaccess file and started experiencing the 404 error, you can try restoring your website from a backup when it was working correctly.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix most 404 errors in WordPress.

Useful Links:

  1. How to Fix WordPress 404 “Not Found” Error
  2. How To Create A Custom 404 Page In WordPress

Common Questions

  • What does a 404 error mean in WordPress?

    A 404 error in WordPress indicates that the requested page or resource could not be found on the server.

  • Why am I seeing a 404 error on my WordPress website?

    There are several reasons for encountering a 404 error, including incorrect URLs, misconfigured permalinks, conflicts with plugins or themes, server misconfigurations, or deleted/moved content.

  • How can I troubleshoot a 404 error in WordPress?

    You can troubleshoot a 404 error in WordPress by clearing your browser cache, checking the URL for typos, verifying permalink settings, re-saving permalinks, disabling plugins and switching to a default theme, checking for server configuration issues, or restoring from a backup.

  • Do I need to fix every 404 error on my WordPress site?

    Not all 404 errors need to be fixed. If a 404 error occurs for a page that no longer exists or is intentionally removed, it is generally acceptable. However, it’s important to fix 404 errors for pages that should exist but are displaying the error incorrectly.

  • How do I redirect a 404 error page to another page in WordPress?

    To redirect a 404 error page to another page in WordPress, you can use plugins like “Redirection” or add custom code to your theme’s functions.php file. These methods allow you to set up redirects from the 404 error page to a relevant or existing page on your website.

  • What should I do if I can't fix the 404 error on my WordPress site?

    If you’re unable to fix the 404 error using the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier, it’s advisable to seek assistance from a WordPress developer or your hosting provider’s support team. They can help diagnose and resolve the issue more effectively.